Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Volume of pyramid by 2/2

Class 2/2 has also completed their mini activity of comparing the volume of pyramid with the volume of prism, using rice and nets...
Below are some pictures on their work...
(Some refused to allow me to take their photos.. Shy??? Haha, don't think so lor...)

Still trying to hide his face???

Seeing her cutting the paper so diligently melt my heart..

Good Group and Team work...

Most importantly, pls remember that
volume of pyramid = 1/3 x base area x height..

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Surface Area Of Pyramid - Class 2/4

Class 2/4 had finally started their first activity on mensuration to find the total surface area of pyramid. The above photos are the pyramid and nets made by the different groups.

Ahmad busily mesuring the angle

Brandon cutting the net out...

Yao Xu drawing the figure out.

Let's look at the group photos.. All of them seemed so busy.. but are they??

Most importantly: Pls remember

Total surface area of Pyramid = Base Area + Area of all lateral sides.